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McNeal Elementary School

Lesson Plan

Name: Margelet Fields____________ Dates of Lesson Plan:

Grade Level: first Subject: Language Unit: Contractions Period:





Students will be able to recognize contractions.

Students will be able to use different manipulatives to help better understand the lesson that’s being re-taught on contractions.

Students will be able to recognize a contraction.

Students will be able to spell two words that can be used to make a contracted word.

Students will respond to a large group activity on recognizing and spelling contractions.

MS Objective: Discuss with others the quality of individual and group work.

Competency: Develop an ability to read with increasing fluency and understanding by using writing and a variety of other reading strategies. Use an appropriate writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing) to express and to communicate personal ideas and feelings.

The Cognitive and Affective Domain is used.

MS Benchmark: Uses written language to establish a connection and to interact with print.

NTASC Standards are used in teaching the students.

Principle # 8: The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner.

This week will be re-teaching of last week’s plans, because the students did not fulfill the teacher’s expectations of the outcome of their assessments.

The teacher will re-introduce contractions.

The students will be give a piece of paper with either two words or a contracted word, then each student will get a chance to make a match.

The teacher will ask each student to find one and tell what the contraction is and what word does it take the place of.

The teacher will ask each student after they make a match, how to spell this word.

The teacher will re- enforce through the week by asking each student what two words that they can use to make a contracted word.


Students will be re-evaluated on the lessons re-taught this week.

Enrichment and Technology:

Students will be allowed to make a list of words that they can use to make contractions.

Students can search the internet for activities on contractions.


Intervention: Students will join teacher at the writing center for further assistance on how to form contractions.

Teacher made worksheets

Commercial made worksheets

Teacher edition language text for reference.

Paper and pencil

Teacher and student discussion.

Teacher made test will be given.




Teacher: Margelet Fields Dates of Lesson Plan: 10/3-7/05

Grade Levels: Pre-3 Subject: Art, Reading and Language Unit: Dr. Seuss Period: 1hour





Students will create a poster "selling" their favorite Dr. Seuss book.

Students will interact cooperatively with other students while at the computer.

Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student uses listening and observation skills to gain understanding.)

Art 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to create, to perform and to respond effectively to the arts.) 2.1, 2.2 (The student applies the creative process with arts knowledge and skills to reason and solve problems.) 4.1 (The student uses arts skills and knowledge in other subject areas.)

Writing 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student writes clearly and effectively.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.)

Reading 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student understand the meaning of what is read.) 3.2, 3.3 (The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.)


Literature Appreciation

Curriculum integration






Domain: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor



Introduction of the lesson.

Students will write in their journals notes about the lecture and instructions.


Students open Print Shop from the Hard Drive.

They select the "Make a Poster" option.

Select "No Background Graphic"

Select "Create a headline" and Type their favorite Dr. Seuss title here.

Select "Text box" and write a few adjectives which tell about their favorite book (don't use cool, rad or other slang words)

Select the "Square Graphic" box and search for graphics, which they would like to use to sell their books.

If the students choose the may choose the other graphic options to add more pictures to their poster.

Print the picture.


Students will write in their own words about their favorite story and why it is their favorite story.

Technology Essential Learnings:

Multimedia use

Mouse movement

Integration Technology and Curriculum


Extended Activities: Enrichment

Students may make other posters for other books.

Students may make a presentation to try to sell their favorite Dr. Seuss book.

Put posters up on a bulletin board to sell books.



Interventions: Reteaching












PrintShop Program

Variety of Dr. Seuss Books



Students will be informally evaluated on:

The cooperativeness with others while working on the computers.

Participation with the computers and the story being read.

Teacher and student discussion.

Student participation in activities.


Teacher: Mrs. Margelet Fields Dates of Lesson Plan:

Grade Levels: Pre-3 Subject: Art, Reading and Language Unit: Dr. Seuss Period: 1hour





Students will read a Dr. Seuss story with "Living Books" CD-ROM's.

Students will interact with the computer and the stories moving and clicking the mouse.

Students will interact cooperatively with other students while at the computer.

Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student uses listening and observation skills to gain understanding.)

Art 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to create, to perform and to respond effectively to the arts.) 2.1, 2.2 (The student applies the creative process with arts knowledge and skills to reason and solve problems.) 4.1 (The student uses arts skills and knowledge in other subject areas.)

Writing 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student writes clearly and effectively.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.)

Reading 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student understand the meaning of what is read.) 3.2, 3.3 (The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.)


Literature Appreciation

Curriculum integration

Domain: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor



Introduction of the lesson.

Students will write in their journals notes about the lecture and instructions.


Students go to the computers and click on the Dr. Seuss book at their computer.

Students listen to the story as the computer reads it and try to read along with it.

Students click around the screen to find information about the story.

Technology Essential Learnings:

Multimedia use

Mouse movement

Integration Technology and Curriculum

Extended Activities: Enrichment:

Students may write what their favorite part of the story was.

Students may try other stories.

Students may get the book with the same title and try to follow along as the story is read.

Internet: Web Search

Interventions: Reteaching












CD ROM's of Dr. Seuss Books by "Living Books" (i.e. Dr. Seuss ABC, The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham)

S Students will be informally evaluated on:

The cooperativenes with others while working on the computers.

Participation with the computers and the story being read.

Teacher and student discussion.

Student participation in activities.





Teacher: Mrs.Margelet Fields Dates of Lesson Plan: 11/1-11/05

Grade Levels: Pre-5 Subject: Math, Art, Reading and Language Unit: Dr. Seuss Period: 1hour





Students will create a color pattern and use it in the formation of a "Cat in the Hat" hat.

Students will become familiar with Dr. Seuss' book The Cat in the Hat

Students will tell about their pattern in a variety of forms (paper tearing, color sheet, or in written form).


Reading 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student understand the meaning of what is read.) 3.2, 3.3 (The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.)

Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student uses listening and observation skills to gain understanding.)

Mathematics 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student understands and applies the concepts and procedures of mathematics.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student uses mathematics to define and solve problems.) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 (The student understands how mathematical ideas connect within mathematics, to other subject areas, and to real-life situations.)

Arts 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to create, to perform and to respond effectively to the arts.) 2.1, 2.2 (The student applies the creative process with arts knowledge and skills to reason and solve problems.) 4.1 (The student uses arts skills and knowledge in other subject areas.)


(Students will write for a purpose.)

Literature Appreciation

Curriculum integration






Domain: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor



The teacher will introduce the lesson and unit.

Look/ read through he book The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss. Play close attention to the hat.

Students will write notes into a journal.


Choose 5 LifeSavers making a pattern.

Choose 1 Necco Wafer or small round piece of paper

Place the Necco Wafer down and apply a little frosting.

Put a LifeSaver on the frosting and apply frosting to the top of the LifeSaver.

Add another LifeSaver and apply frosting to the top of the LifeSaver.

Repeat with LifeSavers until all five LifeSavers are used.

Choose to copy the pattern of your LifeSaver Hat onto a white paper with crayon or paper tear a copy of your hat with scrap paper.


Students will draw the cat’s hat.

Students will stand up and tell their own versions of the story.

Extended Activities: Enrichment

Students may write about their hats. Who would wear them? Where? Why?

Make a bulletin board with the paper tear and color sheet hats.

Internet: Web Search

Interventions: Reteaching











The book The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss


Frosting (powder sugar)

Necco Wafer of circular tag paper

Popsicle stick or toothpick for spreading frosting

White paper to draw the pattern made for the hat

Variety of color scraps to rip the pattern made for a cat head.


Students will be informally evaluated: on their completion of the Lifesaver hats

The pattern created by the Lifesaver candies.

The expression of the pattern in another art form.

Teacher and student discussion.

Student participation in activities.

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