Tougaloo College
Division of Education, Supervision and Instruction
Name: Margelet Fields________________________ Phone: 859-3515
School: McNeal Elementary________ Grade Level or Subject(s) Taught: Kindergarten
Cooperating Teacher(s): Ms. Emma Ware_______________________________
For the Week of: August 22-26, 2005 Total Clock Hours Present: 8__
Summarize Each School Day’s Activities and Complete Back of Forms
Today is my first day of student teaching. The teacher I will be working with for these
Fifteen weeks is Mrs. Emma Ware. She is a very serious and helpful lady. There are
seven students in her classroom. This is a multi-leveled Special Education
Developmentally Delayed primary class. I love working with students at this age. I know
how important this age is for learning. I am so excited about working with Mrs. Ware
because she has been teaching now for twenty-eight years in Special Education.
School started at 7:30. Some students come to school before this time. They eat breakfast in the cafeteria and then remain
there until 7:30. All students are offered free
meals at McNeal. After the students arrive in their classroom at 7:30, they begin their day by putting their things away,
going to the bathroom, and getting out materials needed for instruction time. As student come in they may get a book of choice
or write spelling words. All teachers are asked to be at school at or before 7:30. The bus duty team is asked to be at school
at 7:00 to receive the students that arrive early. At 8:00 all over the school is a moment of silence; During this time everybody
stops whatever they are doing and just stand. No conversation, no walking, no playing, no movement over the entire school.
At 8:00 the teacher began to teach. Mrs. Wear starts out by saying the pledge, the McNeal school creed, the rules, the character
word for the month, and the letter and sound chant. The next thing is the morning announcements given by the principal Mrs.
Mrs. Ware starts the Every day Count board activities after the Morning announcements. This activity calls to attention
the days of the week, months of the year,
Weather, seasons, time, money, number, facts count, and morning message. At this time student go into centers for Writing,
Reading Language, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, and And Listening centers. The students rotate in these centers. At 10:25 the students
go lunch.
When lunch is finished the student go to bathroom and rest for five minutes listening to a story, then go back into the
centers. Mondays at 12:45 they go to the Library for 30
minutes. On Tuesday the Students go to Humanities, On Wednesday the students go to
the Library. On Thursday the students go to the Computer Lab. On Friday the students go to P.E. for 30 minutes. After the
Electives schedule the student return to the classroom for
Math and science. At 1:50 to 2:05 the entire school is in an activity called (SSR) Silent Sustained Reading where every
person has a book in hand reading. The student then prepared for home with a daily review and book bags.
At 2:30, school was over. The students waited for their parents, buses, or vans to pick them up. The teachers do not get
off until 3:30. This allows them to stay with the students until they are called to the designated area. Today was a great
Tougaloo College
Division of Education, Supervision and Instruction
Name: Margelet Fields________________________ Phone: 859-3515
School: McNeal Elementary________ Grade Level or Subject(s) Taught: Kindergarten
Cooperating Teacher(s): Ms. Emma Ware_______________________________
For the Week of August 23, 2005 Total Clock Hours Present: 8__
Summarize Each School Day’s Activities
Today is my second day as a student teacher. At 7:00, the students began their day by
Putting their things away, going to the bathroom and washing hands. Just like yesterday
The student selected a book of choice to read until 8:00. The teacher went through the
Morning activities pledge, song, school creed and letter chant. The students counted the
Days in school placing a butterfly on the correct day of school.
Ms. Wear than starts the Every Day Count Exercise. This activity encourages
Interaction with the instructor. This week color is red. The three letters for this week is
A.B and C. In math the students count color bears and sort bears. Students will go into
Centers for 30 minutes periods and rotate. It’s time for lunch. The students had fun
Separating the bears, drawing lines and matching letters. For Yakima is was difficult to
Draw lines. She could not hold the pencil in her hand correctly. Mrs. Smith the assistant
Gave her a helping hand molding the acceptable behavior. Ms. Ware read a big book to
The students "About Me". The teacher ask the student leading question to cause them to
Remember the sequence of the story. The student went to lunch, came back and rested for
Five minutes. After the rest period, they tore red paper to glue to the letter A. All of the
Student received a piece of construction paper and glued the paper on the letter.
The lesson Plans objectives and benchmarks this week are: Language arts 8e, 1b, 10b,
Match upper and lower case letter, recognize rhyming words, recognize upper and lower
Case letters. The benchmarks and objectives for Reading 9a, 10a, 8c, 6b, 7b, 8a3b,compare
And contrast w/story Now I’m Big, Mike Squeaks we Speaks and learn that print moves
From left to right w/story .The benchmarks and objectives for Math are: 6a,b, c recognize
, Write and model numbers 1-5, adding 1 number daily up to ten. The over all theme is
Body Parts. |
Tougaloo College
Division of Education, Supervision and Instruction
Name: Margelet Fields________________________ Phone: 859-3515
School: McNeal Elementary________ Grade Level or Subject(s) Taught: Kindergarten
Cooperating Teacher(s): Ms. Emma Ware_______________________________
For the Week of August 23, 2005 Total Clock Hours Present: 8__
Summarize Each School Day’s Activities
August 29- September 8,2005
Out of school because of in climate weather
Back to school September 8,2005